Marketing Manager Salary in South Africa

Are you looking for a vocation that promises substantial financial rewards, involves convenient tasks, and provides you with a list of facilities? It would be best if you looked no further than the profession of marketing management. A marketing manager is responsible for dealing with a firm’s marketing activities, developing marketing strategies, and managing a budget to achieve goals.

Occupation:Marketing Manager
Monthly Salary Range:R 29900 – R 87800
Average Monthly Salary:R 58850
Description:A marketing manager is responsible for designing strategies, implementing plans, managing marketing budgets, and enhancing the progress of a company in the marketing sector.
Minimum Qualification:A person should have a B.Com Marketing, Business Administration, or Bachelor in Advertisement.

Marketing plays a vital role in new business trends; without a marketing manager, all the strategies seem impossible. If you are confused about which career to join, you should pursue the marketing manager profession. Come with me to see more details related to the marketing manager position, such as monthly income, bonuses, and the ranking system.

Marketing Manager Salary

Today, marketing has become an essential part of businesses. You cannot grow a business without a perfect marketing strategy; the only person who can accomplish this task is a marketing manager. He is responsible for building a positive image of the company to increase sales.

He is also responsible for making a team of people to promote the brand’s image by running a campaign for product building and event sponsorship. If you are applying as an entry-level marketing manager, you will get approximately R29,900 monthly, and after attaining a senior position, you will earn R87,800 monthly. The average income of a marketing manager in South Africa is about R57,400, and the median salary is R52,200.


You may consider that the salary is below your expectations. Still, if you compare the entry-level salary of a marketing manager with other professions, you will find it stands out. Additionally, the marketing managers get extras such as allowances, facilities, and bonuses. If a marketing manager achieves a goal before a deadline, the company provides him with a performance award.

Furthermore, if the company makes progress, it gives a small bonus to all its marketing managers. Some organizations give them transportation and accommodation facilities, while others provide them free healthcare services. Marketing managers also get a yearly salary increment.

Salary Structure

The salary structure of the marketing manager position is not complex compared to the other positions. Government institutes hire only a few marketing managers, and most of the managers work in the private sector. Private companies hire people based on their qualifications and promote them based on their experience.

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Years of ExperienceMonthly Salary in Rands
0 – 2 YearsR33,900
2 – 5 YearsR45,500
5 – 10 YearsR59,100
10 – 15 YearsR71,600
15 – 20 YearsR78,300
20+ YearsR82,300

In this table, you can see how the salary is increasing with time. The entry-level salary of a marketing manager is R29,900, and after two years of service, he starts earning R33,900. His salary increases 34% between 2 and 5 years and 30% between 5 and 10 years.

But after ten years, the salary of a marketing manager increases by 21%, then 9% and 5% after 20 years of service. As mentioned above, the education level can affect the salary you earn as a marketing manager. People holding a diploma of marketing manager get R40,300, and bachelor’s degree holders get R61,200, while master’s degree holders get R86,700.

Factors That Influence Salary

Other factors affect the salary of a marketing manager, such as which city and gender are prominent. There is a vast difference between a man’s and a woman’s salary as a marketing manager. Recent reports claim that a man earns 8% more than a woman as a marketing manager.

R32,600 +8R30,300

Another factor that may determine your salary is the city where you work. For example, companies in metropolitan cities pay more than organizations working in backward areas. Companies in Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Durban pay handsome amounts; in contrast, small cities like Clarens or St Lucia pay low amounts.

Lastly, knowing which sector you work in, whether government or private, is essential. Government organizations hire only a few marketing managers, while the private sector pays less than public organizations. According to an estimate, the government sector pays 7% more than the private companies.

Responsibilities of Marketing Manager

Market Research

The first task of a marketing manager is to research the current market trends. For example, if you are working on a project to promote a cold drink, you need to find out why people buy a cold drink, what people dislike about it, and how the competitors are selling their products in the market.

Research Analysis

Most people use multiple organized measures to research the factors to improve their product image, while others gather mass amounts of data without using a proper scale. The purpose is to collect information related to the product, people, and competitors. Then comes the analysis stage, in which marketing managers analyze all the data carefully to form a strategy.

Strategy Formation

In this stage, marketing managers can make teams of juniors to promote a product, run a campaign to improve their brand’s image, and set realistic goals. These strategies are divided into subclasses, and a complete plan is presented to the authorities for approval.

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What is the primary purpose of a marketing manager?

A marketing manager’s purpose is to improve a brand’s image or promote a product of a particular brand. He makes strategies and determines a deadline to achieve the objectives. His goal is to deal with challenges related to marketing.

How important is a marketing manager?

A marketing manager plays a vital role in developing a product; he improves the image of a brand or its products, keeps an eye on competitors’ strategies, and monitors the results of marketing strategies.

Is marketing management a promising career in South Africa?

Yes, marketing management is a promising career in South Africa. The demand for marketing managers in the job market has increased, while the number of experts is lacking in companies.

South Africa is one of the fastest-growing nations in business; it attracts foreign business minds to invest in the country. It increases the financial prosperity in the region and produces several new jobs and positions like marketing manager. A marketing professional is responsible for improving a brand’s and product’s public image; additionally, he increases a company’s overall sales numbers.

The jobs of marketing managers lack challenges, and their average salary is R57,400. We should acknowledge the efforts these experts put into their work and appreciate their hard work.

If you are planning to pursue a career as a marketing manager, you should see above the factors that affect income and salary structure. I have also explained the responsibilities of a marketing manager and the extras he receives.

Article Modified on October 28, 2023. The data in this article is written and collected by multiple authors. Learn how we research on About Us.